“The war in Gaza is aimless, and we are clearly losing it. We are forced to return to fighting in the same areas, losing more soldiers, losing on the international stage, damaging relations with the United States, and causing the economy to collapse. Show me one thing we have succeeded in,” stated Knesset ([Zionist] parliament) member Ram Ben-Barak, the former deputy director of the Mossad and director general of the Ministry of Intelligence Services and the Ministry of Strategic Affairs stated on Israeli Army Radio. (english.almayadeen.net, May 18)

Meanwhile, former Zionist war minister Avigdor Lieberman stated: “There is no victory in the north or the south, and we are like a ship without a destination. We have completely lost our way.” […]

Straight from the horses’ mouths! These two representatives of the apartheid […] régime have confirmed what top Zionist leaders Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and National Security Minister Ben Gvir won’t say publicly: that U.S.-backed [neocolony] is losing the war politically, morally and militarily.