The Lombard Café is located directly across the street from the historic Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, which was formed in 1816 by Richard Allen, a formerly enslaved person. The church is a historic landmark, as it is the oldest parcel of land continuously owned by Black people in the U.S. On Feb. 19, three of the church’s historic stained glass windows, dating back to 1889, were smashed. The vandalism took place just days after the church hosted the kickoff for a peace march for Palestine.

The Rev. Mark Kelly Tyler, senior pastor at Mother Bethel, addressed the press conference, noting that the corner of Lombard and Sixth streets was historic for resisting racial hatred. “The churches here where people spoke out against slavery were burned to the ground,” Tyler said, noting that Allen bought guns to protect the church. “We are here again because somebody chose to stay and fight back.”

Samar, a member of the Philadelphia Palestine Coalition, said: “As a Palestinian, it has felt unsafe to walk down these streets since October. It is scary, as a Muslim woman, as a Palestinian, but the Lombard Café has always provided a safe, welcoming environment.”

Pennsylvania State Senator Nikil Saval who represents the neighborhood, Palestinian-born Jude Husein, Director of State Advocacy for the Pennsylvania State Senate, and Marwan Kreidie, President of the Arab American Association, also spoke.