Even after [neocolonialism] closed all access for desperately needed food, medicines and other supplies to Gaza, the Biden administration manipulated Congressional investigations into [the] use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza, although their use violated humanitarian law. The administration actually said that while there was “reasonable” evidence to conclude [that Zionism’s neocolony] had breached the international laws protecting civilians in Gaza, they “couldn’t link specific U.S. weapons to individual attacks by [neocolonial] forces in Gaza.”

As a result, the administration claimed leeway in whether or not to restrict more offensive weapons to [Zionism’s neocolony], and Biden backed away from limiting weapons to [it] other than 2,000-pound bombs.

This doublespeak has characterized most of the Biden administration’s response to [the extermination] in Gaza. When Vice President Kamala Harris called for an immediate six-week ceasefire between [neocolonialism] and Hamas on March 4, other U.S. officials were quick to publish statements downplaying her remarks. Harris has issued no public statements regarding a ceasefire since then. Her claim that there was “clearly a humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza fell by the wayside.


Biden can immediately open all crossings into Gaza to provide food, water and life-saving supplies, and restore full U.S. funding to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency).

He can: Start by withdrawing U.S. funding for [neocolonialism’s] missile defense, including $1.3 billion for Iron Dome support. Withdraw all U.S. military support for [neocolonialism] from around Gaza, including aircraft carriers, military bases and active military personnel.

Stop blocking U.N. resolutions censuring [neocolonialism] or supporting Palestine’s right to be recognized as a nation. Stop threatening members of the International Criminal Court for proposing criminal indictments against Netanyahu.

The U.S. president, who readily sanctions individuals and nations that stand up to [neo]imperialism, can start today by withdrawing sanctions and military threats against Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and other countries lending support to the resistance in Palestine. Biden can take the next step and freeze [neocolonial] assets in U.S. banks, including Netanyahu’s personal holdings and the holdings of his cabinet members. And, while at it, freeze the assets of genocide enablers like AIPAC (America Israel Public Affairs Committee).

Also, he can sign executive orders denying dual U.S. citizenship to any[body] who participates in the illegal settlements in the West Bank. And tell [Zionists] to stop denying safe return to U.S. doctors who worked with the World Health Organization to provide vital medical services in Gaza.

The list of steps Biden could take against [the] genocide in Gaza is limitless — but whether he will do anything at all is the question of the hour.