FB Marketplace is a strange place.

  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I didn’t know child skiers were actually predators. Tbf, I’ve never had skiing goggles personally because I’ve never skied. I was just making fun of how ridiculous it is to find having child ski goggles sus. You could have a kid, be selling your old pair, be gifting them, or just have such a small head that they still fit you.

    However, you actually made me remember something about my past! I had crushes on kids… when I was a kid. Ironically, every single one was older and more socially in charge than me, a preference I still have. Even back then I was a sub 😫

    • kautau@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Lol yeah I was just being sarcastic, having a pair of child ski goggles in no way makes you a predator. But it did make me laugh reading you connecting your subbiness (spelling?) back to your childhood