Now that is a new take on it.
Like a good Boomer pass it down to the next one.
Kill one person and become an hero: If I double it and give it to the next person and this behaviour carries on it would need just a few people until the first guys get the power to kill every human being. In this scenario I kill one person, so no one gets the power to potentially kill 1+n persons which will eventually happen.
Our approach to climate change.
I pass it to the n+1th person. We can do this forever because integers is infinite.
While integers are infinite, humans are not. Eventually the entire population of the earth would be on the tracks and nobody to flip the switch.
Do we consider intelligent aliens to be “person”? Because the universe is also infinite AFAIK
Most scientists agree it is finite.
Do they? There’s broad consensus on the size of the observable part, but what’s beyond that is surely more speculation than science.
Based on observations it seems that the universe curves in on itself. And is thus finite.
I’m pretty the curvature of the universe has actually been measured to be very close to 0, within margin of error, which would suggest an infinite universe. (It doesn’t prove it by any means, though. The curvature could just too small to measure.)
However, the observable universe is indeed finite, due to the speed of light being finite.