Tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, cannabis, brassicas, etc.
Do you harden off at all? It’s such a hassle, but I’ve noticed my plants struggle for a bit if I don’t do it. It can also goes from 2c overnight to 20-25c the first day you can plant, so the heat swing definitely gets them if the light doesn’t.
I had success last year with a kind of faux hardening off. Basically you just cut the bottom off a yogurt container and put it around the plant for the first few days. This seems to provide enough shelter to allow the plant to adapt and grow into its outdoor environment.
I try to put them outside in indirect sunlight first and then gradually in the full sun for some time. I also do this since the lighting is not great inside.
Your Etc. plants are a touch stretchy. Those ladies want light!
Yeah, I know but I don’t have a light and we don’t have more light currently.