I think everyone who has been paying attention saw this coming. Now so-called “socialist” Hasan Piker is putting out CNN level liberal propaganda. Even western polling had to admit that Putin enjoyed an approval rating above 80% just prior to the election, but of course when you have demonized Russia to this degree you have to resort to reality denial to explain what you see.

We need to start using the term “red liberal” to describe these “leftist” political streamers and YouTubers who mimick the aesthetics and language of leftism while feeding into imperialist dogma and liberal assumptions about the world. Hasan also continues to deny the Donbass genocide that had been taking place since 2014 before Russia finally intervened, refuses to accept that Russia had legitimate reason to take action to stop NATO eastward expansion, and downplays the Nazi nature of the Kiev regime.

Now after he made fun of all the dumbass chuds who insisted in 2020 that the US election was stolen and made up all kinds of conspiracy theories to try and justify it, Hasan himself engages in the same kind of behavior when it comes to Russian elections. This is the kind of “socialist” who will act like they are not Democrat shills by superficially criticizing Genocide Joe yet continue to advocate that you vote for Democrats as the “lesser evil”.

It is good though that since 2022 all of these sheepdogs for liberal imperialism have been exposing themselves. Now we know where the lines are drawn. Once again Lenin’s words ring true:

“We are marching in a compact group along a precipitous and difficult path, firmly holding each other by the hand. We are surrounded on all sides by enemies, and we have to advance almost constantly under their fire. We have combined, by a freely adopted decision, for the purpose of fighting the enemy, and not of retreating into the neighbouring marsh, the inhabitants of which, from the very outset, have reproached us with having separated ourselves into an exclusive group and with having chosen the path of struggle instead of the path of conciliation. And now some among us begin to cry out: Let us go into the marsh! And when we begin to shame them, they retort: What backward people you are! Are you not ashamed to deny us the liberty to invite you to take a better road! Oh, yes, gentlemen! You are free not only to invite us, but to go yourselves wherever you will, even into the marsh. In fact, we think that the marsh is your proper place, and we are prepared to render you every assistance to get there. Only let go of our hands, don’t clutch at us and don’t besmirch the grand word freedom, for we too are “free” to go where we please, free to fight not only against the marsh, but also against those who are turning towards the marsh!”

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.mlOP
    7 months ago

    He killed Navalny

    Why would he do that? Navalny was already in prison and there were plans to use him in a prisoner exchange him with the West. Who really stood to benefit the most from him dying just before the election so that Putin could be portrayed as killing his opposition? Cui bono?

    Sorry but you have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that Putin did it

    Do you think any of the other two you mentioned would have realistically gotten any more votes than Davankov?

    If anything, them being on the ballot would have just split the liberal opposition more. Also, the Navalny camp called for his followers to spoil their votes in protest and the end result was around 1% spoiled ballots. They were never going to amount to anything. Same goes for the other irrelevant nobodies that you mentioned.

    If you really believe Putin stole the election you have yet to answer a simple question: why would he need to rig it when he already had an 86% approval rating before the election?

    If he really did forbid popular candidates who stood an actual chance of winning from running, don’t you think there would have been bigger protests? Don’t you think the result of the vote would look a little different? It’s not like anything stopped the followers of any other liberal opposition figure to pool their votes behind one who did get on the ballot.

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.mlOP
        7 months ago

        Putin started war with Ukraine

        No he didn’t. NATO started a war with Russia using Ukrainian Nazis.

        Putin poisoned Navalny

        There is literally zero evidence of that. Just another empty allegation of the West.

        Putin started war with Ukraine AGAIN

        No he didn’t. The West and its Nazi proxies in Kiev wiped their asses with the Minsk agreements and continued to bomb the Donbass while arming Ukraine to prepare for a full scale invasion of Donbass. Russia responded to a request from the Donbass Republics for Russia to defend them, which constitutes a legal and legitimate use of force according to the UN charter.

        Putin drafts men to die in trenches in Ukraine

        Complete projection. It is not Russia that has press gangs running around in every city beating up and forcefully mobilizing all men they can find, it is Ukraine. Russia doesn’t even send conscripts to Ukraine, their laws forbid it, they use professional volunteer soldiers. Russia had one wave of partial mobilization of reservists with prior military experience. Ukraine is on what, its twentieth round of mobilization?

        He did it many (3 attempts) times

        Yet again, more empty accusations from the lying West. Not a single one of those was ever proven, nor is it clear that Putin would need to or benefit in any way from doing that. The only ones who benefit are the West who get to portray Putin as a comic book villain for gullible westerners.

        Any vote not for Putin counts against him

        Cool, in that case it doesn’t matter whether this or that opposition figure was not on the ballot. So then why didn’t more Putin opponents vote for any of the other candidates?

        Navalny called to show up at 12:00 on election day.

        Oh wow, coincidentally that’s also around when most people usually go to vote. Isn’t it just wonderfully convenient to have a “protest” where you can’t tell who is actually protesting and who is just genuinely going to vote? That way you can have one person in a line of a thousand people claim the other 999 agree with them because they all happen to be standing in the same line at the same time.

        Poller calls you: “Do you support President or want to go to jail for 30 years?”

        Come on, even you don’t even believe that you go to jail in Russia for telling a pollster that you don’t support Putin. Also, that poll was done by a NED funded NGO, it’s basically a western poll. You’re telling me they didn’t find any way to get an accurate picture of how much support Putin has?

        There are 14% of people that would rather go to jail than approve Putin.

        Oh so everyone who didn’t vote for Putin is now in jail? Wow, Russia’s prisons must really be overflowing, how is it that we haven’t heard of ten million people getting arrested and imprisoned?

        I don’t know if you really thought that these lazy propaganda talking points would work here, but hey at least you tried…

        By the way you still haven’t answered why he would do any of the things you accused him of.

        Who benefits more from Navalny dying?