Previously: I’m at a frat party school in Southern California, and this is my previous post describing the school’s leftist student organization. In addition to being busy healing my own trauma from the car accident these past few days, I’ve discovered that the “leader” of the organization (a second generation Chinese immigrant) and one of the Chinese students are posting a lot of anti-Chinese (shit like xinjiang prison camp) content in their group chat. The Chinese student introduced himself as being from mainland and not a green card holder, just an international student.Stuff like that is actually pretty common in US college, I don’t get mad most of the time, I just joke about how they’re just jealous that we can drive a Mercedes go to party everyday without paying student loans! What really pisses me off about this is that this Chinese student is a queer who always shares that “living in China scares him”, but the inaccurate anti-Chinese content he distributes puts more Chinese students in danger. Anti-Chinese sentiment is growing in the United States, and many Chinese students were racially attacked in the aftermath of the epidemic. The organization touts itself as being “for a better world,” but at the same time it puts innocent international students at risk. I was losing patience with them and at the same time feeling scared, what if they were going to attack me(Psychologically and Physically)? Finally, if individuals from this organization(Probably nobody will) are reading this post, fuck u!You’re all bunch of racist assholes!

    7 months ago

    Unless you can pull people left there without drawing the ire of the leadership (doubtful) I think you’ve found yourself in a compromised group. That they’d make people like that leaders is telling of the white chauvinism and imperialist thinking of the group. They’re not left, they’re recuperative, liberal, and dangerous in spreading fascist lies.

    Unless they’re doing some really good work (and even then) you might consider whether it wouldn’t be better for your mental health to ditch them and find a hobby group not so focused on politics to join instead if you need community.

    Touting oneself as being for a better world is meaningless. The CIA and USA believes that. Who after all would attract people with the message of a worse world, of wanting to make things worse? Even fascist counter-revolutionaries who kill communists and commit atrocities would claim they are creating a better world. One needs to look for solid tenets: anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism. Sometimes one can find groups that aren’t of the left better than this, there are the rare anti-war liberals who are truly anti-war and that includes increasing tensions with China and swallowing propaganda about them and Russia.

    I hope you find a better group of people you can spend time with OP. It may be serious organizing will have to wait until after university and that’s okay.

      6 months ago

      One needs to look for solid tenets: anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism.

      Yes… those three…