I love the full body benefits of squats but I find my knees are liking them less and less these days.
I’m currently working a modified PPL, so a heavy off day.
2x5, 1x5+ squat
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 leg press
3x8-12 leg curls
3x8-12 leg extensions
5x8-12 calf raises
I pretty much hate squats while I’m doing them. I think it’s cause they make my knees angry.
Is there something knee friendly I can replace squats with or alternate in occasionally?
I spent a lot of time in physical therapy recovering from a broken femur this year. One exercise they had me do to get the strength back in my knee was to do squats with an exercise ball behind my back leaning against a wall. This took some of the strain off while allowing me to get pretty far down without fear of not being able to get back up. This might be helpful for you as well.
I can see how that’d help, but I don’t think it’s practical in my case. I’m squatting around 240 off the rack.
Maybe it would help strengthen stabilizer muscles though.