“That isn’t happening”

  • NABDad@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    From a comment to the article:


    Feb 22

    I contacted a member of the State Education Board, who contacted the Alpine School District. This is what I received back: "I reached out to Alpine school district and asked if they would confirm what we read here. I have received the following response.

    Recently, the National Review published an article referencing an Alpine School District document containing guidelines for respecting gender identity. We shared this document with all administrators districtwide two years ago following the Utah State statute. The article misrepresented Alpine School District in what administrators and teachers can and cannot do when it comes to informing parents of students’ requests regarding gender identity.

    To clarify, we as educators are not required to report a student’s gender identity unless the student requests informally or formally to be referred to by a different pronoun or name. In this situation, we communicate to the student that we can only honor that request if parents are notified and agree upon the request. The information shared in this article was taken out of context, and, unfortunately, the article communicates that the district somehow withholds information from parents. We value our partnership with our parents, and we, the district, do not hold information from parents that is under our purview to share in support of students."

    It would seem someone is not correct or at least not communicating correctly. That would be either NR or Alpine School District. That they choose not to comment or clarify to NR is puzzling. That they did clarify to the State School Board is not so puzzling. Hopefully the above clarification is accurate and reflects actual practice at the classroom level.