At work we somehow landed on the topic of how many holes a human has, which then evolved into a heated discussion on the classic question of how many holes does a straw have.

I think it’s two, but some people are convinced that it’s one, which I just don’t understand. What are your thoughts?

    1 year ago

    Is a pipe a hole? No. We call the cylinder a pipe. A straw is a cylindrical tube. Tubes, pipes, hoses, and straws are cylindrical and hollow.

    It’s unconventional to call the hollow space a hole, but as others have pointed out, a donut has one hole and if extruded, would continue to have one hole and resemble a cylinder.

    As donut is not a hole. It has a hole, but it is not one. Squash a straw vertically and you have a plastic donut with one hole. The straw is the plastic part, not the hole.