The dishes are piling up. My apartment is a mess. I can’t stand long enough to make a decent meal. My tasks are falling way behind at work. The physical therapy exercises just stopped helping one day. Ibuprofen makes my stomach cramp, pretty sure I have a hernia, or at least it’s warning me it’s close. Weed doesn’t dull the pain anymore. I miss my good days.

    8 months ago

    Have you tried Cymbalta?

    Not sure where your pain stems from really, but if it’s back/fibromyalgia related it is a good choice. Talk to your doctor about it, it’s a non narcotic medication and it does wonders for the older gals and gents that can’t be taking ibuprofen/APAP all silly willy.

    Also this is your wake up call that you’re in order to start a T-break :)