For me it has to be:

  1. Helix mattress ($1,217). Sleep is great.
  2. Home gym power cage & weights (~$1,000). Look good, feel good, get strong.
  3. Netgear Nighthawk AXE7800 ($339). No more random, annoying internet disconnects/slowness.
  4. Books ($0 @ library)
    • “Ultralearning” - Scott Young (how to learn efficiently)
    • “Enlightenment Now” - Steven Pinker (the world overall is improving)
    • “The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing” - Taylor Larimore (how to invest)
  5. PS5 ($500). So many great games like witcher 3, god of war, spiderman.

I’m searching for some more deep value purchases. Give me what you’ve got.

  • The Menemen!
    2 years ago

    Yeah, same with me. I always thought reading digitally was the worst. “I will always read on paper!” Then I started commuting by train (stopped this a long time ago). But once you got used to the comfort of an ebook-reader with those great e-ink displays… There is just no going back.

    I started with a Sony (sadly discontinued), but there are many great options, not just the kindle (kindle is good though and once you learn how to get rid of drms it’s ok, not suggesting pirating here, I buy all my books, I just don’t like to be restricted). But also have a look at Pocketbook, Onyx, Kobo or, if in Germany, Tolino). They all have good models nowadays.

      2 years ago

      The main issue is contrast - I have a cheap IKEA USB LED light, so I take that with a powerbank when it’s too dark as I’m not keen on the backlight - backlight is good for keeping the background paper ‘white’ though.