Story’s good but I found the gameplay lackluster: platforming wasn’t particularly exceptional and the combats felt too repetitive and absurdly hard near the end.
Same experience. I found leaving difficulty on normal but turning down enemy health (or turning up your damage I can’t remember which) made a huge difference. I beat the game a couple of times like that. Before I found out about that option I had given up my first playthrough toward the end because of the combat and spongy enemies.
Story’s good but I found the gameplay lackluster: platforming wasn’t particularly exceptional and the combats felt too repetitive and absurdly hard near the end.
Same experience. I found leaving difficulty on normal but turning down enemy health (or turning up your damage I can’t remember which) made a huge difference. I beat the game a couple of times like that. Before I found out about that option I had given up my first playthrough toward the end because of the combat and spongy enemies.