• mo_ztt ✅@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Wait. So you’re evaluating the theory that powerful people in the US government killed a woman, faked two (…) suicide notes for her, successfully coerced her lawyer into not divulging her client list (which he has, and desperately wants to divulge), and put down the memory hole all the original news stories that talked about her being afraid she’d be killed for threatening her clients with exposure… but the fly in the whole ointment of the theory is that they’d have to find someone who could write similar to how she writes?

    Honestly, I think I’m probably misremembering, and I’m mixing her up with some other person that powerful people actually did have killed. Not because the note was handwritten; I just think there would be places on the internet that were pretty readily findable where would be published the original stories I read back at the time.

    I wasn’t trying to get into all of this, tbh, because like I say I’m just sort of talking and have no idea. I was just relaying my (maybe faulty) memories and letting people be their own judge.

    Edit: Oh fuck, the plot thickens. I found what I was thinking of. According to randos on Reddit, she explicitly talked about not having any plans to kill herself on an episode of Alex Jones which is no longer easily available. Make of that what you will 😃.

    • SCB@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Well if it’s on Alex Jones it must be true. He’s famously a very sober and serious reporter.

      Also it’s fun how you mix conspiracy theories and foreign nationals in your links, as if that somehow makes your case.

      Conspiracy theories make conspiracy theorists look like idiots. You don’t want to be that guy.

      • mo_ztt ✅@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Dude why are you talking down to me so aggressively?

        I guess we’re arguing now 🤷. That honesty wasn’t my intent here; IDK how you got so much of “making my case” out of me saying so repeatedly that I was just saying what I remembered and don’t really know the facts. I’m just sort of talking. I’m such a dickhead that I’m listening to another interview with her right now looking for something relevant that I can use to “make my case” so I can know what I’m talking about, if you’re gonna get rude with me about it.

        I’m aware that Alex Jones said a lot of things about her, and I agree that that doesn’t mean anything at all. What she said in his interview is relevant. Where she said it doesn’t change that. Would you agree with that? I haven’t seen anything she’s been quoted as saying in the interview that really means all that much, so maybe the “if I die it was the government” stuff is Jones’s creation. In which case, yeah, it’s garbage. If she said that on the Alex Jones show, I’d consider that pretty significant. Right? Or no?

        (Edit: She was quoted in the normal-person press as saying she wasn’t planning to kill herself, but that was in response to Alex Jones directly asking her whether she was, so if that’s all she said, that means nothing. Whatever she was thinking at that point or later on, I wouldn’t expect her to say “oh yeah, it’s funny you ask, yes I am” when he asks her.)

        (Edit: After skim-listening to an interview with her somewhere else and reading some of the Wikipedia talk page where people are arguing about this subject, I think you’re right and it was all just an Alex Jones creation. Oh well. I updated my original post to reflect my learning.)

        Which of the people I listed do you think are conspiracy theories? Gary Webb was an American killed by Americans in government. Jamal Kashoggi was a naturalized American who was killed by the Saudis with tacit approval by the US government. Daphne Caruana Galizia was a non American killed by non Americans, so maybe that’s not that relevant, no. They were literally just random examples I picked out to show that it’s not a totally outlandish idea. People kill each other for various reasons every day; if it never happened when one of them was powerful, that would be weird. What out of all that do you consider to be a conspiracy theory?