Vet said he needed shots to boost his nerves and if he doesn’t respond well in a couple days he’ll do an X-ray and decide on a further course of treatment. He’s back to purring in my lap again. Hug your kitties extra tight for me tonight.

    10 months ago

    Yeah and it can be so subtle. I noticed some slightly weird behavior in the litter box by one of our cats - he seemed to be straining and going from one box to the other. We got him checked and sure enough he had an infection. It would have been really easy to miss, or write off, but this is definitely not our first cat, and subtle signs are often all you get until things really blow up.

    We almost lost a cat a few years ago because we didn’t react quickly. She was behaving strangely hiding under the bed, and I kept saying, we need to get her to the vet, but I think my wife thought it would settle down. Then we got home from a hockey game one night, and she could barely walk. We took her to the emergency vet, fortunately just in time, but it was really close. (That cat had multiple health issues and passed away a few years later, when she was 7. I still miss her.)