Alt text: Even with a blank map, a lot of people can only name 45-50 of the 64 states.
I’ve got: Neo Hampshire, Middle Carolina, Outdianna, Tennetucky, Rkansas, Northwest Dakota, West South Dakota, Souther Dakota, The Real South Dakota, Coloradon’t, Becausoming, Ariz Oh No!, Udaho & Trail
What’s interesting are the states you can’t modify too much or it gives away the game.
Texas is a key example, people are pretty familiar with that shape, even many non-Americans will recognize it. Florida and California are also pretty well known. Also, many people have a rough idea of NY State, though you could probably tweak the north and west borders a bit and nobody would notice too much.
The ones it’s easy to fiddle with are the rectangular ones in the mid-west. I think a lot of people only know them starting from another reference point, like “north of Texas” or “east of Nevada”.
Texas, California, Colorado, Wyoming, Colorado again-… wait a minute
A couple of my friends had a go at this one:
Some notable quotes:
“Wrong. It goes washingyon, oregon, gravity falls, hotel california”
“pennywise AND ohio, rough spot for maine”
“New Hampsire is not a state. I haven’t heard shit from someone in New Hampshire”
Ah yes the great states of Arkansas and Arkan’tsas, of Kansas and Kan’tsas.
I’m just tickled that this map shows MN’s northwest angle as the (pseudo)exclave that it is.
Canadian here, from the outside it seems to just be 3 states. Almost crazy, crazy and don’t come here if you want to exist.
My favorite is asking people what the 51st state is, Hawaii or Alaska?
How many states are in New Mexico?
Most forget to put both New and Old Hampshire
Old Hampshire is surprisingly close to the original Zealand.
North and South Dakota now have a Middle Dakota buffer zone.
I don’t know if that’s West Ohio or East Indiana, but either way, it is a crime against nature
We’re always as war with East
AsiaIndiana.An Ohio without Columbus is an Ohio I want to be a part of.
Tennessee and Elevenessee
Ninessee pronounced Nanci
East Maine is so much better than West Maine.
Is that west maine? I thought it was old hampshire
Unless you’re including all the minor islands and territories, the U.S. only has 50 states to speak of. I know I could identify my state, Texas, Hawaii, California and a couple others. If there are people who can name up to 50 states and where they are on a map, that’s pretty damn impressive!
Look a little closer at the map.
I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to do it. I have faith.
I did finally. My bad for not spotting the anomalies right off. See, your wonderful christian attitude was so helpful.
Why are you giving Christianity a monopoly on faith?
I think in this country, Christianity does have a monopoly on faith. And monopoly is a good word to use, because religion is really just big business and those who make the most money hold all the cards.
Calm down. Yes, of course there are a few people who can, but fortunately most of them live in that small part of the world that is still outside the US.
That’s true. I doubt most U.S. citizens could actually name most of the states or their locations on a map of the U.S. All I’m saying is that if they can, that’s pretty impressive - because so many young people today can’t even name a country at random.
NW, NE, SW, & SE Colorado