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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Chemical_Hair_8968 on 2023-07-06 14:19:00+00:00.

My youngest “Randy” 16M has been dating a boy “Zach” 15M. I’m a friend of Zach’s mom from college and he and Randy have known each other for a while and we’ve had them over and I know Zach pretty well. He’s a pretty sweet kid even has his own flower garden. Now even though Randy does play some sports he’s not super masculine or anything and well Zachs more on the more masculine side and takes sports more seriously. Though they bonded over Zachs more less than masculine interest.

Zach just recently came out to his parents and school like not but maybe a few months ago. I know his dad is struggling a bit with it and we live out in the country and not all of Zach’s football teammates are being great about it. And I know other than his two bestfriend’s no one else knows how he likes flowers or any other things he likes that aren’t up to par here.

from what I heard from his mom I know he’s been getting crap from some of his friends/teammates about how Randy " treats him like the girl" with Randy having a car so usually picking him up/driving him around or paying for stuff cause he has a job. Well last Saturday they were supposed to hangout after Zach got done with summer practice. Randy decided to bring him some flowers he might like. Now Randy has brought him flowers before just not infront of his teammates or people that don’t know about his other interests. And apparently Zach got embarrassed about it and they had a huge argument about it and how he felt Randy was embarrassing him.

Me and Randy talked about it when I saw him upset and I wondered why he was home so early. I told him while what Zach said wasn’t necessarily fair that maybe he should be a bit more low key and chill some around Zach’s less than evolved friends. That Zach’s kinda having a hard time right now and doesnt need more stress. He got this somber look on his face which i hated but , he understood. I talked it over with my wife and she thinks I was being a d***ick basically telling Zach not to be himself and I should never try to tell him not to be loud and proud. I told I didn’t mean it that way but she’s still upset with me. AITA here?