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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/AdmirableAd1626 on 2023-07-06 15:00:54+00:00.

I 22 F have lived in my apartment complex for 4 years, and I have an 8 year old daughter -I don’t want to hear any comments about my age and my child’s age, I’ve heard all the words under the sun, I don’t need strangers on Reddit giving me the same crap-

My job allows me to work from home, and as a bonus, when I don’t have a lot of work to do, I can do my household chores like laundry, vacuuming etc. I don’t vacuum everyday, maybe just like every couple of days, usually late mornings early noonish.

The issue stems from the fact that I can hear everything my neighbours from the side, above and below me do, it doesn’t bother me as such but they can hear anything I do, again, I don’t play loud music, the only thing they’d likely hear is the tv if it’s on very loud or if I’m doing vacuuming, but because I do it in the middle of the day, I never get complaints up until now.

Coral, 34, moved in 3 weeks ago, were cordial, and although cliche and weird for normal standards, a couple of days after she moved in, she came with a batch of cookies to give to me and the other neighbours and introduced herself and she seemed nice, but a couple of days ago, she knocked on my door as I was vacuuming, she was all smiles and happy but told me in the most condescending way possible that her husband had worked a late shift and their 12 month old baby boy was sleeping and was wondering if I could not vacuum right now, and that she would be happy to call back over again when they’re both awake so they could continue on, and I said no.

The time of day in which I do vacuum is not stupid early or really really late, I chose it because most people are gonna be up so I’m not disturbing a lot of people.

I told her that I’m not gonna change my time to suit her husband and baby, albeit it’s not their fault for working late or you know, being a baby, and that she’s just gonna have to suck it up and deal with it. She started going off at me, calling me a childish whore, hinting at the fact that I was a teenage mother, called me a bitch, and then stormed into her apartment again. I’ve talked to friends and while they say I’m entitled to clean my apartment whenever I want within reason, I could have been a bit nicer, and that how I reacted was an dick move.