This game has recently come to my attention and it seems to work fine on Linux for now. But apparently the developers have decided to switch from their current anti-cheat (Easy Anti-cheat) to Faceit in the future, which would make it impossible to play on official servers on Linux.

Am I missing something here? I was interested in buying the game, but if they are going to basically disable Linux support in the future, it seems like a bad idea.

Edit: This article is quite helpful. Apparently the developers arent entirely sure about FACEIT either. So we will have to wait and see.

    1 year ago

    So, in the end, it’s not very much money. I’ve spent more on games I still haven’t played - whatever my intentions. Ultimately, I don’t think the developers would turn their back on their customers. Maybe they will offer players an option to host their own servers with EAC, Faceit or nothing at all. Not an ideal solution, but better than abandoning a part of the community.