I got Bustin’ Out on sale when I was younger and didn’t really know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised and had a fair amount of fun with it and went on to complete the other games.
Has anyone else here played them? What was your experience like? Any fun stories?
I grinded the first job mini-game when I was bored and had an obscene amount of money the moment I left Uncle Hayseed’s farm and spent so much time messing around I got the Robot Chicken before I was supposed to.
If you want other videos Youtuber ambiguousamphibian has created videos on the GBA versions of The Urbz: Sims in the City and The Sims: Bustin’ Out.
All games have a pretty decent amount of Retro Achievements:
Also kind of interesting all the GBA Sims games have a speedrun time of approximately an hour and thirty minutes.
I found all of them ridiculously fun, and the DS games too
Did you find there were pretty big differences between the GBA and DS games?
I’ve been playing the PSP version of The Sims 2 and it seems completely different