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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Street-taco10 on 2023-07-06 12:51:48+00:00.

This involves me (27M), my best friend Derek (27M) his girlfriend mollie (26F) and mollies sister Courtney (28F). Derek and mollie have been dating over a year. Derek and I are roommates so I’ve known mollie for awhile. She’s a nice girl but has this attitude of she’s always right. I find her a little annoying but Derek loves her and I support him so I’m friends with her. She’s a really good person I will say and comes from a great family. Which includes her sister Courtney, who I have met once or twice.

About a month ago Derek asked me what I thought about Courtney. I said she was hot and really down to earth and I’ve had good times whenever she goes out with us. Derek said mollie wanted him to ask me that. I said I wasn’t interested in her due to her history. But if she wanted to ever hangout or something casual she could have my number. Derek reported back to mollie and the last few weeks have been awkward. Mollie seems standoffish. I bought her a beer and asked her what was wrong last week. She said she didn’t like what I said about her sister. I said that her sister had been married before, was pregnant and got divorced. It was too much baggage for me. I thought it all was good after we talked.

Last weekend mollie hosted a game night at Courtney’s house. She made a big to do about this game night and kept asking if I was gonna come. I told her maybe. I had other plans that night so I might stop by. I went out for a drink and then decided to stay home and watch a game. At 8pm mollie started texting me asking when I was coming. I started ignoring her and then she called like 3 times. Derek started texting me too and I told him that I didn’t want to go over to Courtney’s for some couples game night and wanted to watch the game. He said it was duo games only so they needed me. I said that I said maybe to begin with so they should find other games. Mollie called me one last time on Derek’s phone. She sounded mad and was like telling me to come. I told her to fuck off and leave me alone. Derek texted me yesterday and said I should apologize to her and her sister. As Courtney was the one without a partner and went and got my specific beers that I liked. I said that it wasn’t my fault, I never gave a yes and never told anyone to get me anything. And his girl should have respected that. AITA?