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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/PersonalStation7321 on 2023-07-06 12:24:09+00:00.

Context: My mum is Thai, and my dad is Dutch. I grew up in Thailand. My mum married again and I have a stepsister who is 3 years older than me.

My stepsister always brings up stuff like “you have no idea how hard travelling is for us because you have a strong passport” whenever she’s feeling stressed about travelling.

My family (me, mum, stepsister, stepdad), are currently planning a trip to Germany. They’re in the process of applying for a Schengen visa. I think seeing me relaxing and unstressed about the whole thing grated on my sister because I’m just chilling while they’re running around getting flight tickets, proof of accommodation, statement of purpose, bank statements, travel health insurance, money for the visa fee and a bunch more stuff.

She finally snapped and was like “aren’t you even going to try to be helpful? At least share the visa fee with us”. I said no. I am financially contributing the same amount she is to the trip, the visa fee is just an added expense she has that I don’t.

She was unhappy because “I just don’t get it” and kept telling me things would only be “fair” if I agreed to share that cost, at least. She’s been giving me the cold shoulder since because she thinks I’m a bit of an ass.

My mum would like me to apologise to her and agree to share the cost at which point she would then reimburse me just to keep the peace.