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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Natural_Driver1680 on 2023-07-06 12:16:20+00:00.

So i (39F) have 4 kids (6F, 8F, 11F, 15M) with my husband (37M). Now my kids dont get allowance or money from chores or anything like that, but when we go out aslong as they have been well behaved recently they all get some money to spend. However my eldest has started to not get anything when we go out and just pocket the money instead of spending it when we are out.

Today me and my kids went out and while we were out we passed a toy shop and we went in. i gave each of my daughters a tenner to pick out a toy, my son stood awkwardly next to me for a bit before asking for his money, i told him he has more than enough saved up and that he shouldnt be using me as a piggy bank. He told me its not fair and that i gave his sister’s money. I told him thats because they use it for its intended purpose unlike him. He start complaining more saying i only give them money in places like this that the girls like but that dont have things he likes, and he told me hes saving up for something abit more epdensive.

I told him hes not allowed to do that as it will be unfair on his sister’s if he gets something expensive. I told him this conversation was over and he could get a toy like his sisters or wait outside. He had an attitude and sat on a bench outside.

While i was in the store i texted my husband telling him waht happened and that our son was demanding more money from me and he was upset. When we got home he had a talk with our son and afterwards he was upset with me for somereason. He told me that i had lied and told him our son wanted more money, which he did so its not a lie. And that i was being unfair. I told him im just keeping things equal between our kids and if our son went and got something more expensiuve that either he will have to share with his sisters or i would buy each of the girls the same thing.

He told me im playing favourates, which im not, and said that its a good thing our son is learning to save, i said hes no saving, hes being a financial leech and needs to learn that life wont always gove him what he wants on a silver platter.

Im proud that i stood my ground but my husband is pissed at me and my son wont talk to me which is manipulating me into feeling bad. Im not sure what to do now as my authority is being undermined by my husband, he said if i go through with my threat of making him share or getting teh girls the same that he will reimburse our son for whatever he buys. Im just so frustrated and am thinking that i should have just never brought it up, butit just feels so wrong saying i should have let them walk over me, so AITA?1