Video for those who haven’t done it yet.

I need to use it more, but so far, I’m actually quite enjoying it. It doesn’t seem super strong or anything (especially when something like Ager’s Scepter exists), but it seems pretty solid. Feels like a solid workhorse gun to me. Once we’re able to get the catalyst (correct me if I’m wrong, but nobody’s gotten it yet), it’ll be pretty nice in a stasis shard setup. My one wish is that it got a damage boost from collecting shards as well, because never reloading is nice, but feels slightly lacking. It would also fit the theme of the gun, being a gift from Xivu Arath to basically tithe as the Hive do with the sword logic.

The thing making me want to use it a lot going forward is the look. It looks simply amazing; very unique styling. It almost reminds me of Alchemist’s Raiment from D1 with the lights.

What does everyone else think of it?

    1 year ago

    seems like a very “grandmaster content” workhorse gun for sure. I look at it like I look at malfeasance. It ain’t sexy… but it slaps comparative to legendries in it’s class; it fills a role agnostic of artifact mods; and it can do so from the relative safety of range and cover.

      1 year ago

      Anything that can proc both slow and freeze is great for champions (Riptide with Chill Clip being my favourite), and with the range of a scout letting you hang back should let it do some heavy lifting.