I’m trying to learn more about the Russia/Ukraine conflict. In the articles that I find that seem to be critical of Ukraine, there are a few that are right wing that seem to have similar viewpoints as what I’ve read on here or in the more leftist articles.

For example this piece from National Interest, or this from the CATO institute.

There are others that aren’t flagged as right wing that are critical, but it’s just got me wondering, why would right wing politicians/publications perceive these things similarly to how some communists would when the ideologies of both are so extremely opposite?

Disclaimer: I’m not pro-ukraine at all, but in my search for info that’s not super pro-Ukraine propaganda, this is the stuff that comes up for me

  • Kaplya@hexbear.net
    10 months ago

    As much as the “realist” faction (Mearscheimer, for example) sounded like the more rational ones, ultimately they’re wrong in their calculations.

    Post-2009 global financial crisis saw Europe‘s rapid industrial recovery through bridging its economic ties with Russia/China to get away from the American sphere of influence, just as the US capital was hit hard by the financial crisis.

    In other words, post-2009 America has been so thoroughly de-industrialized and its financial base weakened that it does not have the ability to take on China without taking out Europe first. If Europe throws its weight behind China during an ongoing US-China conflict, it very well could tilt the balance of power towards China, which is bad for America.

    The war in Ukraine is America’s war against Europe, its imperialist rival. It really has less to do with Ukraine/Russia than Nord Stream and the expanding economic ties between Europe and Eurasia. The neocons, unfortunately, made the correct move: America’s only chance to take on China is to devour the European capital first.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]@hexbear.net
      10 months ago

      The Neocons fully expected to win in Ukraine, regime change Russia and balkanize Russia. This was has been a disaster for them that has tilted the balance of world power towards Russia/China/Iran, not away from them

      • Kaplya@hexbear.net
        10 months ago

        It doesn’t matter. Europe is already destroyed, that’s what mattered. Russia is irrelevant on the grand economic scale. What the US really fears is China, but BRICS still hasn’t come up with a way to dedollarize, and that’s still a win for the US.

        The US empire cannot be defeated without dedollarization. More precisely, the US will go through its own decline but so long as the rest of the world is still tied to the dollar, the periphery will be the ones to take the brunt of the damage while the US will be the last one to go down.

        The real problem is nobody knows how to cut ties with the dollar cleanly, so everyone is just dragging their feet instead of going for the short term pain. That’s exactly how the system is designed to work.

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]@hexbear.net
          10 months ago

          Russia is the strongest military on Earth probably at this time and is absolutely not irrelevant, you sound like the libs who called them a gas station masquerading as a nation. Russia outproduces all of EU and America in war production by orders of magnitude. Stop looking at GDP numbers.

          The EU being cannabalized is a long term loss for the anglo-American empire as it’s weaker than ever.

          Also if the goal was to separate Russia from China or weaken Russia they have only accomplished the opposite

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]@hexbear.net
      10 months ago

      I agree with most of what you’re saying but I think that the US vastly underestimated both Russia and China’s economic resilience. The US still achieved its goals of cannibalizing European capital, but it failed to inflict a battlefield loss or economic recession on Russia, who is now growing faster than the European powers. China is knocking down semiconductor trade barriers one by one by developing their own chips and stealing diplomatic marches (like the Iran-Saudi reprochmen) on the US empire without any warning. Moreover, China continues to respond to American provocations over Taiwan with the kind of political sangfroid that is only possible when you don’t have to pander to voters ever 4 years.

      The jury is also still out on just how much cannibalizing EU capital will help America in the long term. The whole NATO bloc is now having trouble producing enough 155mm shells to outproduce just Russia. China has 200x the shipyard capacity of the US and the gap is growing.

      I think that the US is doing what it calculates to be its only good options, but its calculations are off because it refuses to see anything except its own bloated GDP.