• bossito@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    You’re welcome, these are the lyrics, I’ll put them on the translator and check and then I’ll post a translation:

    Tu vais sentir a minha falta De me ouvir cantar em falsete De me dizeres que sou chata É que engoli uma cassete

    Vais querer ouvir a minha voz Corrigir todos os bocados E ver-me a fazer tudo errado Tu vais sentir falta de nós

    Para de tentar mudar O que foi feito pra ficar Como Deus quiser

    Vais ter saudades a dobrar Podes até chorar Vais ter de cuidar bem de mim Se é pra ser tua mulher Se for pra’contecer
    Vais ter de me dar mais de ti Vais ter saudades Vais ter saudades minhas

    Devias estar-me agradecido Beijar-me os pés a cada passo Cantar-me canções ao ouvido E dar-me mais do teu abraço

    Dar-me mais da tua atenção Passar a mão pelo cabelo Dizeres tudo em mim é belo Trazeres-me na palma da mão Para de tentar mudar O que foi feito pra ficar Como Deus quiser

    Vais ter saudades a dobrar Podes até chorar Vais ter de cuidar bem de mim Se é pra ser tua mulher Se for pra’contecer
    Vais ter de me dar mais de ti Vais ter saudades Vais ter saudades minhas Vais ter saudades Vais ter saudades minhas

    Para de tentar mudar O que foi feito pra ficar Como Deus quiser Vais ter saudades a dobrar Podes até chorar Vais ter de cuidar bem de mim Se é pra ser tua mulher Se for pra’contecer
    Vais ter de me dar mais de ti Vais ter saudades Vais ter saudades minhas

    • Korne127@lemmy.worldM
      1 year ago

      Thanks :)
      (One tricky thing in Lemmy is that it uses Markdown, and therefore you need to insert two spaces after a line ending to actually have a new line.)

    • bossito@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I think the automatic translations is actually quite ok:

      You will miss me Of hearing me sing in falsetto Of telling me that I’m boring I swallowed a cassette

      You will want to hear my voice fix all the bits And watch me do it all wrong You will miss us

      stop trying to change what was made to stay as God wants

      You will miss twice you can even cry You will have to take good care of me If it’s to be your wife If it’s meant to happen You’re going to have to give me more of you you will miss you will miss me

      you should be grateful to me Kiss my feet at every step Sing me songs in my ear And give me more of your embrace

      Give me more of your attention Run your hand through your hair You say everything about me is beautiful Take me in the palm of your hand stop trying to change what was made to stay as God wants

      You will miss twice you can even cry You will have to take good care of me If it’s to be your wife If it’s meant to happen You’re going to have to give me more of you you will miss you will miss me you will miss you will miss me

      stop trying to change what was made to stay as God wants You will miss twice you can even cry You will have to take good care of me If it’s to be your wife If it’s meant to happen You’re going to have to give me more of you you will miss you will miss me

      • Korne127@lemmy.worldM
        1 year ago

        Thank you for the work and sending this! The lyrics are definitely interesting; they’re around what I expected although not exactly!

        On a side note, which translator did you use? I can just say in general that DeepL does a much much better job than Google Translate and is the best automatic translator existing.