Copied and shared with permission of u/vikicrays from the r/Etsy subreddit:

Since it became difficult to find the links for support, i’ve collected them when sellers mentioned they found help. i hope one of these will work for you *** see below ***

here is the link to the “how to contact support” from the seller’s handbook.

try this link or this link to initiate chat or email.

here is a link to request a callback.

or try this link or this link to email them.

if you email them you should get an automated reply and once you do, you must reply to this email that their automated best guess solutions did not work (something like “i still need help” is sufficient). if you do not complete this step, no further action will be taken on your issue/question so it’s critical.

it’s easy to think “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and barrage support with multiple daily emails thinking it will speed things up. in reality doing so actually slows things down, because the software used to log and keep track of customer support calls and e-mails uses an automated ticketing system. the date/time stamp of your last email will become your new place in the queue where it will search to see if you have other support tickets and combined them all into one (so all of your issues/questions can be addressed at once.) every new email resets the time stamp associated with your issue/question and takes you back to the end of the queue.

*** none of these links seem to work all the time. also know they may, or may not work outside the usa, may or may not work outside non-standard usa business hours (m-f & 8-5) and like many companies on major holidays, support may be limited, if available at all (hopefully holidays are posted in advance before a new year begins but i do not know if etsy does this)***