I’m just going to share an experience by saying that I have a younger brother (not namedropping anything) and I have regarded him in most of my life in a neutral-leaning-negative light, he’s annoying sure, but he’s not like really shit, or at least, I had until he started calling me a “black person”, “blackie”, and “monkey” (which I’m pretty sure is often compared with to black people in a really dehumanizing light) just to get a rise out of me, which first of all, is not accurate at all (I’m Asian), and second, it sounds like he was being genuinely racist against Africans just to piss me the hell off, “at the very least he isn’t saying slurs” I thought to myself, months later, he recently started calling me the fucking N-word, really, really casually, just to piss me the fuck off, I don’t know if he’s being genuinely racist or just wanting to get a reaction out of me (I’m 75% sure it’s the latter), but even then, using slurs just to get a reaction out of someone is tasteless at best, and outright derogatory at worst.

I’m just curious if anyone else has experienced the same thing as me.

  • Kuori [she/her]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    as an older sibling it is your god-given right to beat his ass until he stops being a bigot (ironically or otherwise)

    but to answer your question yes, i have seen this from The Kids. in the case of the one i know she at least admitted what she was saying was shitty and backtracked immediately when called out. she’s also 9 so like, a simple admonishment was enough.