My teeth are in good health and I take good care of them, yet I always get this plaque buildup no matter what I try.
I’ve tried different brushes, toothpastes, and flossing methods to no avail. Mouthwash is too harsh on my mouth and peels my skin off so I avoid that.
I haven’t tried waterpicks or electric brushes yet. Did you? Did they work for you? Have you succeeded in preventing plaque and if so, how???
I maintain very good dental hygiene, and my dental hygienist always loves me. These are the tips I’ve picked up from them as I’ve gone
Thanks for the tips! One nitpick: I’m pretty sure acidity leads to a lower pH, not higher. But, your point still stands!
Good catch. The way I think about the pH scale in my head always feels like acidity should be high on the pH, but that’s just wrong XD
Yeah, it would seem that the [p]ower of [H] should increase with the number of H+ ions! But, they threw in that minus sign for some reason.
You can also get the dental picks off Amazon for a few bucks. You can use it once a month and get rid of the plaque yourself. Then it can’t build up.
No, this isn’t dental advice but I’ve had no issues. Don’t go crazy on your teeth or gums.
Good overview!