I upgraded my Cubase to Cubase 12 almost a year ago. With it came a number of free goodies including Melodyne Essential.
Have never used Melodyne before, and since I’ve done the upgrade, I haven’t actually done anything with vocals until recently.
So I decided to try Melodyne Essnetial out - My subjective feeling is that it sounds more natural than Cubase’s own pitch correction tool. And it integrates quite well with Cubase itself. There are a couple of glaring drawbacks however:
Once an audio clip gets taken over by melodyne, I find it impossible to use any of the Audio Process anymore (e.g. gain, normalize, etc). So I learned it the hard way to do these prior to starting melodyne on the clip. Or is there a way of working around this?
This version of melodyne lacks the ability to do note flattening it seems.
So for those who also have melodyne essential, which do you prefer - cubase’s own function, or melodyne?