I think it S a good idea to put all of our favorite shortcuts tips in one feed so they’re easily accessible.

Here’s my idea for tips I’ve recently come Avon the idea to hiararcherize shortcuts. I’m going to put some shortcuts in a folder, and then make a master shortcut to manage, and activate them all. What do you guys think?

More importantly what shortcuts tip can you think of?

  • nocturne213@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So far the only two shortcuts I use, or rather have tried to use, do not work very well.

    The first was for resizing images to post on my shop’s discord server (I was trying to keep within the 8mb limit without having to crop the image).

    The other is to launch Spotify when my Bluetooth connects to my wife’s suv. This just gives me a notification that it is connected instead of actually launching Spotify.

    • Creatortray@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I’ll have to do some research on the first shortcut you mentioned. As far as i am aware the only way to reduce an image’s file size without cropping is to either change the file resolution, or reduce the quality of the file. I’m not sure if there’s a way to do that natively in shortcuts. For the second shortcut, did you turn “ask before running” off? That could explain why it’s only providing you with a notification.