Corporations are a lot more willing than usual to raise their prices lately, and it’s putting more of the burden of high inflation on consumers.

That may not come as much of a surprise to anyone who has browsed a grocery aisle, kicked the tires at a car dealership or filled up a gas tank of late, but even the Bank of Canada is starting to take notice of the trend, as the central bank continues its battle to wrestle inflation into submission.

Speaking to a parliamentary committee in Ottawa this week, the bank’s governor, Tiff Macklem, told lawmakers that the bank has noticed a troubling new trend coming out of the corporate sector.

For much of the past few decades, any time businesses have seen a jump in their input costs — the amount they pay for things like raw materials, energy and even workers — “they were pretty cautious about passing on [that cost into] the prices they charged for goods and services,” Macklem said.

Their reasoning was simple: they were afraid of losing customers.

  • wildginger
    11 months ago

    No one is ignoring reality.

    You can acknowledge shits fucked without falling into dispair about how utterly pointless and unfixable it is.

    Its not unfixable.

    I dont give a shit if youve got depression dude, get a therapist or meds. The world isnt over, and your doom and gloom bullshit isnt helping improve the situation.

      • wildginger
        11 months ago

        Youre literally throwing a piss party, and getting upset at being told to quit pissing yourself in public.

        You arent pointing out reality, youre acting like a loser who just got dumped