There’s some mental gymnastics in this one. Congrats on ignoring the consequences of first past the post, making it all the Democrats responsibility, and absolving Republicans of all guilt. Oh not to mention, ignoring those who don’t vote because “both sides are the same” even though anyone with eyeballs can realize that’s not true.
That thinking got Trump elected.
What really got Trump elected was democrats wanting to uphold the status quo and thus pushing for a worse republican party so that they can position themselves as heroes by comparison:
There’s some mental gymnastics in this one. Congrats on ignoring the consequences of first past the post, making it all the Democrats responsibility, and absolving Republicans of all guilt. Oh not to mention, ignoring those who don’t vote because “both sides are the same” even though anyone with eyeballs can realize that’s not true.
people voting for trump got trump elected
uncountable hours of free press got trump elected
clinton backing trump in the primary got trump elected