Ignatius Sancho was born on a slave ship on the Atlantic Ocean around 1729.
When the ship arrived in New Granada, Sancho was sold into slavery.
Tragically, his mother died shortly after arriving in the colony, and it is said that his father committed suicide rather than live enslaved.
Before Sancho was two years old, he was taken to England, where he was sold to three sisters in Greenwich and remained enslaved for 18 years.
To escape his enslavement, Sancho fled to London to Montagu House, the residence of the Duke of Montagu, who had encouraged him to read and paid him special attention during a visit to Greenwich.
During his stay at Montagu House, Sancho further developed his interest in literature, poetry and music, as well as writing.

  • Geizeskrank@feddit.deOP
    11 months ago

    Today Sancho is best known as a composer, writer, actor and opponent of slavery.
    After his death his letters were published.
    In it, Sancho recounts his life, an early account of enslavement, written from the perspective of an enslaved person.