• pete_the_cat@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    This dude could have been treated, he was suffering from paranoid delusions and probably had PTSD. IDK if he actually fought in the wars in the Middle East or if he was just purely in the Army Reserve, but if he was in the wars, he probably saw a bunch of fucked up stuff. There’s a reason why a lot of vets either kill themselves or become addicts after returning home, they’re discarded like garbage used by the government. It can take people multiple months or years to get the free treatment from the VA that they were promised, a lot of them never get it in time. He wasn’t a psychopath (or now as it is more broken down into, Antisocial Personality Disorder) that enjoyed hurting people like many convicted mass murders, he was just fucked in the head. This could have been prevented, it was known that he was having paranoia delusions, our country just loves to be reactive and not proactive. Psych wards are absolute shit, my friend was in a “trauma unit” for a 72 hour hold and it’s essentially prison where they throw meds at you to keep you sedated. Putting him in there for 2 weeks possibly made him worse off.