
Below are linked communities I am moderating, but can’t remove inactive/deleted moderators from:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Users along with their posts that are deleted/inactive that neither I or the group owner can’t seemingly remove from moderation are:

u/TheSilencedOne can’t find posts or comments on ANY of the communities I moderate and that list this account as moderator.

u/Lunacy post https://lemmy.ml/post/85921

u/Zanthed post https://lemmy.ml/post/85569

u/lunacy post https://lemmy.ml/post/86672

u/zenthed post https://lemmy.ml/post/100140

Please remove u/Zanthed, u/TheSilencedOne and u/lunacy from moderation on all above listed communities.

Thank you for your time.