My aunt is a wonderful lady, but she’s very gullible. Thanks to a video she saw on Facebook, she now believes the conflict in Israel is a sign of the end times and is deeply concerned for my immortal soul. How do I politely let her know that while I appreciate her concern I have no real reason to believe that the Israeli government commiting war crimes against Palestine is going to bring about the second coming of Christ?

    11 months ago

    Exactly this thought was my first step into agnosticism. God is irrelevant. People who are just behaving in a good way out of fear of being disciplined at the end of times (and not out of their free will) are bad people.

    Many years later I arrived at atheism (with the single caveat that I can’t scientifically disprove god, but if it exists it is irrelevant for my life).

    I choose to be a non asshole by following my own moral compass.