This is so fucking embarrassing. I’m just waiting here for people to finally open their eyes and see this war for what it is, but with beloved actors like Hamill committing to this shit as hard as they can I feel it’s almost futile to have hope. But I’m still trudging on.

    2 years ago

    So what if (to expand on that)… the Jedi leadership knew that Anakin, as a former slave and son of the people, was destined to lead the Jedi back to their real roots in some sort of mass anti-imperialist movement (think religion + anti-imperialism + planned economy, sort of like modern Iran). To keep that from happening, they got him involved with Amidala, who in addition to being a borderline predator like most libs, also preached “democracy” to him night and day. Amidala then, for her own political ends, maneuvered Anakin into a close relationship with her protege Palpatine, whom she had gotten elected chancellor. Of course Palpatine had his own agenda, and when the time was right, he got rid of both Padme and the Jedi, and installed a fascist government. Of course Padme, being a lib, had the nerve to act surprised and shocked at the situation she had helped create – “what’s this? Fascism again? Why does this keep happening? Oh the horror!” – and couldn’t understand why Anakin suddenly had it out for her. (In “Anakin, all I want is your love” we see the willingness of liberals to cozy up to “former” Nazis and other genocidal maniacs).

    … And I just tried to make some kind of logical sense of the prequels. Man, that hurt my brain.