Do you have a beta read your fics before you publish them? Or do you prefer to do your own checking & hope that’s good enough?

Personally, I’m not keen on the idea of having a beta reader (no shade to any who do). I re-read (& sometimes re-write) my chapters A LOT.
And when I’m happy with them, I give it a few days & re-read them again for SPAG issues or inconsistencies.
And then when I’ve posted them, I re-read them again because my brain won’t let me in case they magically changed between pasting & posting. (I do the same with emails & the like. 🤷‍♀️)
After all that, having someone else re-read it yet again seems kind of redundant.

    1 year ago

    +1 not redundant. Especially if you are a mystery writer!

    Sorry to hear you haven’t had luck finding a beta.

    While thankfully not crucified I have been attacked and mocked for my linguistics and plot choices. It’s calmed down a lot this year but yeah. Some fandoms are weirdly nasty about such things.

      1 year ago

      I think artists get a lot more feedback than writers, so I can see it. Fortunately I’m not in the fandoms which are most known for attacking if you don’t ship the right people, which transcends the barrier of drawings to words. 🙄