Taking lead out of gas did wonders for that, though there’s enough lead in urban soil that it’s probably not good to eat eggs from urban yard chickens, or some root vegetables like carrots, turnips, radishes, and beets if grown in urban soil. That said, other than some root veggies, garden veggies do not take up lead in the soil.
Or tomatoes. Our pediatrician said for older houses you need to expect soil near the houses to be contaminated by lead paint so vegetable gardens (unless separated soil) are not a good idea, especially tomatoes
Taking lead out of gas did wonders for that, though there’s enough lead in urban soil that it’s probably not good to eat eggs from urban yard chickens, or some root vegetables like carrots, turnips, radishes, and beets if grown in urban soil. That said, other than some root veggies, garden veggies do not take up lead in the soil.
Or tomatoes. Our pediatrician said for older houses you need to expect soil near the houses to be contaminated by lead paint so vegetable gardens (unless separated soil) are not a good idea, especially tomatoes
Edit: apparently lettuce too
How many tomatoes would you have to grow to purify the soil