I have been on the edge with twitter and reddit for a while and I have finally deleted my accounts that I have had for a very long time there. They are no longer the places I used to know, even more so with twitter. I am ready for my new time here and on mastodon.

Hello Lemmy

  • nyawow@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    What is really terrible is that, Twitter is considered mainstream social media alongside Instagram here in Japan. So even the normies ends up stepping into that right wing cesspool. I was really shocked to see my normie ex friend retweeting transphobic shit😿😿

    While I really really hate Twitter, and tend to be more on Instagram, Losing Twitter means losing the single biggest information source for the majority that can’t read English. Even I sometimes have to open Twitter to see wtf is going on in the society (also it’s useful to get the most up to date information during emergency situations, like earthquake)