Hello! Let us have another Friday social topic.

What type of problems do you solve using Lisp? Please share these details while answering:

  • Which dialect of Lisp do you use?
  • What problems do you solve?
  • Why do you choose Lisp to solve these problems?

I have a feeling that this thread might get inundated with too many Emacs Lisp posts about solving personal productivity problems. That’s fine. But I suggest posting stuff about other dialects of Lisp too. The more dialects of Lisp (CL, Clojure, Racket, etc.) are discussed here, the better! We want to have a good variety of answers on this thread.

  • Paolo Amoroso@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Which dialect of Lisp do you use?

    Currently Interlisp and Common Lisp, mostly under Medley.

    What problems do you solve?

    I use Lisp for my hobby programming, not necessarily for solving practical problems. I enjoy coding for the intellectual pleasure of creating, exploring algorithms and systems, and learning computing.

    Why do you choose Lisp to solve these problems?

    I have been checking out several programming languages for the past four decades or so and Lisp is the only family of languages that doesn’t just come the most natural to me, it gives me pure joy.