• OwenEverbinde
    1 year ago

    I didn’t. I was in California, so my vote was irrelevant anyways. I’ve been living with my mom, so I decided to use it to make a point.

    I was like, “look Mom! I don’t approve of Biden’s hair sniffing, so I’m voting for Jorgenson! You can do the same! That’s an option!”

    It didn’t work. She voted for Trump. (Don’t worry. She was also in California so her vote was also irrelevant). You’d think with her personal history, she’d have been AGAINST serial sexual predators… but I guess his cult of personality was just too strong. She still genuinely believes he “stood up to the globalists.”

    • OwenEverbinde
      1 year ago

      But now I live in Nevada. I will be voting for Biden because

      • the CHIPS Act is going to put chip manufacturing at the mercy of union labor
        • and with the solidarity whipped up by places like Antiwork? It’s going to be a bloodbath.
      • his bans on slave labor solar panel imports will do the same thing. Union laborers won’t need to compete with slave owners.
      • he halted ICE worksite immigration raids, which were basically used to terrorize migrant workers and keep them complacent (hence lowering their wages, and by extension, lowering the market price of labor)
      • he “played the long game” and helped win rail workers those sick days they were fighting for.
      • he kept student loan payments paused for the first 33 months of his term and tried to get a decent chunk forgiven
      • he appointed trust-busting advocate Lina Kahn to the FTC, where she is now a chairwoman
      • he appointed pro-labor lawyer Jennifer Abruzzo to the NLRB, where she recently set an anti-union-busting precedent that, according to Harold Meyerson at Prospect.org, “makes union organizing possible again”

      He’s silently, steadily, baby-stepping us in the right direction. And that’s worth a vote of support, not just a vote for a lesser evil.