Synopsis: Dusk and Enjoiner Rue learn Demerzel’s origin and true purpose. Tellem’s plans for Gaal take a dark turn. On Terminus, Day confronts Dr. Seldon.

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    10 months ago

    What an incredible episode. So many things to think about! Still in shock from Bel Riose actually giving the command. I thought that would be his breaking point, but I guess they always let you down. I hope Bel makes the most of it, there’s no way he isn’t changed by this and remade into a dissident.

    I absolutely loved watching Demerzel roast Day so completely. She only fucked him because she thought it would help her make him less of a shitty person? My God.

    Maybe Terminus is gone, but its destruction has already led Demerzel to openly tell Day to go fuck himself and created a mortal enemy in Bel Riose.

    Also really enjoyed the Demerzel/Cleon I backstory. Hope Dusk and Rue survive somehow!