They’re wielding new tactics with low-wage workers after decades of failed organizing efforts.

    1 year ago

    I know this sounds crazy, but traditionally conservative Republicans actually agree a lot with leftist ideas about unions. I met a person that is an alt-right Trumper. The first and probably last time we were talking, it was about work and things along those lines with his wife and my fiancee also in the conversation. Without using any terminology associated with the left, I had the guy enthusiastically nodding along with things like “act your wage” and “companies want to pay us less to do more”. I know that if I had uttered the word union, it would not have been a pleasant conversation.

    My point is that Republican politicians have created a nearly Pavlovian response to leftist terms. The only thing standing in the way is getting past those trained thoughts to sow class consciousness. I wish the organizers luck, it’s long overdue for the impoverished south