Do you mean the CharaChorder? I thought about getting one in the past bit it looks like a super steep learn curve and I’m not sure if I’m willing to subject myself to it.
Pretty sure you’re talking about the Svalboard. I don’t think it uses chunks of words though. Each finger has access to 5 keys and you can map any layout.
There’s a dude developing out a neat split keyboard that’s ergo but you are typing in like chunks of words or something.
Looks like your fast af once used to it.
Each finger goes up down left right i believe. Can’t remember the name!
It’s quite refined looking.
Do you mean the CharaChorder? I thought about getting one in the past bit it looks like a super steep learn curve and I’m not sure if I’m willing to subject myself to it.
YES, thank you.
My brain was stuck on chroma, which made no sense, lol.
I thought the exact same thing, but the thing is, i switched to a trackball mouse and I will never go back…
So some times it’s worth it.
Pretty sure you’re talking about the Svalboard. I don’t think it uses chunks of words though. Each finger has access to 5 keys and you can map any layout.
But maybe you’re thinking of stenography where you have fewer keys but you press them in combinations (chords) instead of individually. That looks crazy fast.