They have an apartment in the city which they occasionally visit but maybe like once every few months for a few days at a time.

They basically said the apartment is “mine” and I can live there. The economy is insanely bad and I literally cannot afford to survive on my income and rent a new place.

The problem is this apartment has terrible noise insulation. Not only that, but our neighbours seem to be jerks (way too much information to even write here) and nothing can be done about it. Their children scream pretty much all day, plus they wake up and scream at night too, and then they wake up early so I have zero opportunity to sleep in and catch up on rest. Earplugs and background noise have zero effect.

I asked my parents if I could at least rent one of the bedrooms out while they’re not there to earn enough income to possibly rent something else, but they are categorically against it.

So basically now I’m stuck constantly sleep deprived, unable to advance my career (how can I learn anything and succeed on tests on 4 hours of sleep every day?)

On top of everything my parents are telling me that “I’m the problem” because normal people wouldn’t care about the noises or get woken up by them

So I’m really not even sure what to do anymore. The property manager dgaf about anyone or anything, and neither does the police.

    2 days ago

    Are you sure you use earplugs and background noise correctly?

    First of all, earplugs should massively reduce the noise levels, if they don’t, you didn’t put them in right. And when you then blast noise at high volume at the same time, the noise of your neighbors should not be noticeable anymore over this combination. With this method, I’ve slept like a baby while staying next to a busy airport, only really feeling the vibrations, and I can’t imagine your neighbors are louder than that.

    Sorry for this situation you’re in. I don’t have any other solution either.