When I was a teenager, I thought people in their 20’s were the most attractive. Now that I’m about 40, I still think people in their 20’s are the most attractive. It’s hard for me to believe that I might ever be attracted to someone past retirement age, even when I’m past retirement age myself, unless the person is like one of those celebrities who look way younger than they are.
This isn’t something I can comfortably ask most older people I know, but there’s one man who admits that he isn’t and one woman who is. Which is more normal?
What do you mean by “emotional attraction”? I enjoy spending time with my good friends, and I would even say that I love them in the way that friends love each other, but I am not attracted to them.
All the aspects of romantic attraction that aren’t physical?
But are you saying that there can be romantic attraction without significant physical aspects, or are you talking about romantic attraction with fewer (but still some) physical aspects but more emotional ones?
Yes. These two are different things. Most people experience both, some only one of the two, and Jaiden experienced none of that.
Fewer physical and more emotional.