If all goes well, I should get my permanent residency here in Japan in a couple more months; I’m just waiting on all the paperwork to get done (probably may-june).
I’m looking forward to eating fresh veg right off the farm, but that’s not going to start super soon (well, from my own farm, anyway; some locals have hot-houses and are already producing various things).
I’m hoping to get my amateur radio license this year as well, but I don’t really have much time to study (fulltime job + running a small farm business) so we’ll see on that one.
Yeah that sounds awful. I am doing the full UK and they give you a reference booklet for the exam that covers a lot of the basic rules like that to crib from. Only thing I do not like with the UK exam is having to memorize the block diagrams for all the different transceivers, completely pointless IMO as who would troubleshoot or build a transceiver without an online reference in this day and age?
If all goes well, I should get my permanent residency here in Japan in a couple more months; I’m just waiting on all the paperwork to get done (probably may-june).
I’m looking forward to eating fresh veg right off the farm, but that’s not going to start super soon (well, from my own farm, anyway; some locals have hot-houses and are already producing various things).
I’m hoping to get my amateur radio license this year as well, but I don’t really have much time to study (fulltime job + running a small farm business) so we’ll see on that one.
Whats the Ham license exams like in Japan?
Japanese and full of law references and the history of laws that needed to be memorized. I’m going to take the online US licensing test and convert.
Yeah that sounds awful. I am doing the full UK and they give you a reference booklet for the exam that covers a lot of the basic rules like that to crib from. Only thing I do not like with the UK exam is having to memorize the block diagrams for all the different transceivers, completely pointless IMO as who would troubleshoot or build a transceiver without an online reference in this day and age?
Best of luck with your exam!